Tuesday, May 28, 2013

WPM and WPW Merging!

Greetings, Moms!

 We write to you with lots of info, so please read this email in its entirety so you know the scoop :)

 An email was sent out by Danell a few months back telling you that Westport Moms will be merging with Westport Women.  As we wind down our Spring schedule and look to the summer, the time has come for the merge to take place. I know a lot of you have asked us what exactly this will look like. So here you have it:

 The blog and the gmail account is winding down and will be discontinued following the Mom's Night Out on the 26th. At that  time we will communicate  using  Westport Women's  resources such as FB and The Table. We used these resources last month with the Outdoors In play group, and found the response to be really good! A number of new moms joined us! Be sure to join the Westport Women group on The Table (www.westportchurch.org/the-table <http://www.westportchurch.org/the-table> ) and also the Westport Women Facebook page  www.facebook.com/westportwomen <http://www.facebook.com/westportwomen> ) to keep up with all of these events. (Once you get to the Facebook page, be sure to "Like" it!)
Once the fall starts we will continue to have play groups, but again, they will be announced  on the Westport Women's sites.
 Instead of scheduling Mom's Night Out, we are encouraging you to be a part of the activities planned for the women of Westport as a whole, some of which may be hosted by some of our own WPMs.

And lastly, beginning in the fall, instead of  choosing and doing our own study, there will be one Bible study offered for Westport women as a whole with several meeting times. We will still be sure to offer times that work well for moms with young kids. (such as the popular 8pm slot)
Hoping this brings some clarity! Trusting this merge will simplify and unify!
One more thing, be sure to join the Summer Park Play Group on The Table as well so you know which park we will be meeting at each Thursday during the summer!

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